Martial Arts &
Self Defense
Warrior training for a modern world
Our Training Training begins with body conditioning, leaping, tumbling, and breakfalls before progressing into empty handed combat techniques and weapons.
Through our practice we strive to uphold the virtues of truth, justice and Fudoshin 不動心, the immovable spirit that one can attain through budo, or martial arts training. Training is conducted in a manner in which there are predefined "attackers" (tori) and "receivers" (uke) similar to drills in judo (gokyo) or traditional Japanese martial arts. However, Bujinkan differs from many traditional martial arts in that the training progresses through the following stages: KATA Predefined sets of movements and physical conditioning HENKA Variations to the fixed drills, responding to changes in the attacker's movements or situation RANDORI Free form training consisting mostly of spur-of-the-moment, dynamic techniques during which the defender hits, locks, chokes or throws the attacker in a controlled and safe manner Our training includes:
Location - 117 South Main Street
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